Live Life Business Consulting guides business owners and executives to meet their goals by letting go instead of struggling.

There is a better way, and we are here to help you find it. Running a business is as much a mental game as it is a numbers game. Excel at both and you are unstoppable. Denise Maple, principal and lead consultant, has benefited from a unique path to success that has taught her the secrets of unlocking success where it was once thought impossible.

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Our Offerings

Start-up Consulting and Guidance

Designed for entrepreneurs to make their business idea a profitable, sustainable, and fulfilling venture. Through one-one-one business consulting and cohort programs that are proven to bring financial success and satisfaction to business owners.

Wellness Workshops

Crafted for your employees to help them live and work better and, in turn, you retain your most valuable asset – your people.

Bank Training Programs

For banks and companies that want to improve employee retention and job satisfaction while rapidly training entry-level employees and making them productive analysts with strong critical thinking and writing skills.