What steps do you need to make to take your business to the NEXT level?

You are a business owner. You have big goals and you are not sure how to achieve them. What is holding you back? What steps do you need to take to succeed? If you are not entirely sure, let’s talk. Learn how to meet your goals by letting go instead of striving.

Mindset. Action. Results.
Limitless Possibilities.

What We Do

Fuel Your Start-Up Business Program

The Fuel Your Start-Up Business Program is for aspiring women business owners that want to make a big impact on their market, gain traction quickly, and serve their customers with a higher purpose.
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1 on 1 Coaching

It’s not just what you know about business, it’s also about how well you know yourself. Work with a coach that has decades of experience in both entrepreneurship and mindset coaching. Understand where you might get in your own way so that you can remove the obstacles to achieving your dreams.
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Whether you need a refresher or you don’t even know where to start, attend our workshops and courses designed to get your business moving in the right direction and continue to grow and thrive. We also customize wellness and skills training courses and workshops to suit your company's needs.
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“Denise helped me get back in touch with the passion that parked my venture into starting my own business.  I highly recommend Live Life to get you on track to following your dreams.”

-Rebecca McAllister, owner of Connected Wellness Clinic, LLC
Master Your Business Game - Secure Your Consultation Today!

Ready to take your business to the next level? Don’t miss out on this opportunity to discover the secrets to unlocking your business’s full potential. Schedule a consultation now to gain insights from our experienced consultant, Denise Maple. Together, we’ll strategize and implement solutions that will transform your business and take you to new heights. Act now to secure your spot and embark on a journey to unstoppable success!